This post was sponsored by Logan & Finley. I was not paid, but given clothes to review. This is the final instalment of this eco-fashion series! Did you get a chance to read part 1, part 2, part 3, and part 4 of this series? You can check out 4 other lovely summer outfits from…
How To Start An Organic Vegetable Garden Just About Anywhere
(Cet article est disponible en français) Since most of us in the northern hemisphere will partake in gardening this week-end, make sure you read this now and get ready for the week-end! Everyone should try gardening and enjoy the benefits, which go much further than getting some food. You develop a connection to nature and…
Que sont les aliments biologiques? et pourquoi c’est important que vous le sachiez…
(This article is available in English) Si vous me lisez régulièrement, vous savez probablement déjà que toutes mes recettes indiquent « biologique » à presque chaque ingrédient. Vous vous demandez pourquoi? Est-ce que c’est parce que je veux rendre mes recettes plus spéciales qu’elles ne le sont? La réponse est non. C’est simplement parce que…
What Is So Special About Organic Food? (Part 3 – Environmental Impact)
So far, we’ve examined the basics of what it means to eat organic food: no added synthetic pesticides and other chemicals. We’ve also learned about the use of pesticides on non-food items like the cotton that will be used to make our clothes. Bottom line is: synthetic chemicals are used in various forms of productions…