Eating healthy food is a fast growing trend and it can be overwhelming how to start. Let’s discuss some pitfalls to avoid and some simple ways forward.
Final summer eco-fashion series: Meet me at the market (part 5)
This post was sponsored by Logan & Finley. I was not paid, but given clothes to review. This is the final instalment of this eco-fashion series! Did you get a chance to read part 1, part 2, part 3, and part 4 of this series? You can check out 4 other lovely summer outfits from…
Summer eco-fashion series: Meet me at the market (part 4) + $100 giveaway winner
This post was sponsored by Logan & Finley. I was not paid, but given clothes to review. Did you get a chance to read part 1, part 2, and part 3 of this series? You can check out 3 lovely summer outfits from Logan & Finley, including 1 for men! Eco-fashion has come a long…
Where I live: Visit more of my house
Last week, I wrote a special guest post on my friend’s blog White Cabana talking about sustainable design in my kitchen (click on the link to visit my kitchen), and this week is the second and final post showing my office and bathroom. Given that White Cabana is all about white design, it was a good…