At the beginning of the year, many people feel out of shape and sluggish. They vow to eat better, sleep and exercise more, but by February, it’s all back to the routine of junk food and late-night TV. The problem is not knowing where to start and to start with too much on our plate!
I believe in slow changes, it’s easier to change little by little than to try to suddenly change your entire lifestyle. The trick is to make one small change at a time and let that change make its way into your regular routine, then before you know it, you’ll be a lot healthier than you were a year ago. You want to start the year right, but don’t know where to start? this quick list will get you going! But don’t despair, it has 30 items, but you can pick your top 10 and start from there. The point is to integrate the changes into our routine, one at a time. Make it part of your day.
And keep this list handy, like a good annual health check-up… Everyone loves to tick boxes off a list!
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