After a good workout, it’s always nice to replenish our energy with clean and healthy food, and a smoothie is an easy way to do that. I posted this post-workout chocolate protein smoothie on Instagram recently, but thought I’d share it here as well. I made this after going for a run, and it was…
How to run — 5 easy tips to learn to run
So I signed-up for my first official race this year! Nothing fancy, just a 10k in a local race event, but it’s pretty cool because my team is raising money for a local project where they teach kids about food and how to cook, so it’s a really good cause! I haven’t jogged much this…
Winter running 101
For those of you living in the northern hemisphere, it’s winter! So, for those of us who run, that means we need warmer clothing, shoes that grip, and we need to be more careful out there. Running in the cold can be quite exhilarating, it is actually one of my favourite time to run. One…
Are You a Runner? Or a Yogi?
For most of us, even if we jog, it’s difficult to call ourselves “runners”, isn’t it? Show of hands (or comments?), how many of you jog? Come on, don’t be shy! It probably took me a couple of years to admit I was a runner. And even today, I feel strange saying it out loud…