I make a fresh veggie juice every morning, I use whatever vegetables I have available in my fridge at the time, so my daily juice is almost never the same. It never gets boring! But once in a while, I take a few pictures and write down what I put in so I can share it with you to inspire you to give it a try! Don’t be afraid of trying new elements in your juice, even if it might not be your first choice.
I remember when I first started juicing, I was doing the basic recipe (carrots, celery, beet, and a green apple) and was kind of afraid of adding greens and leafy vegetables, but you know what? It’s awesome and much healthier. Don’t be scared! 🙂
The dark leafy greens provide a ton of vitamins and minerals, and lots of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is a very important nutrient, sometimes referred to as the blood of life, it is produced by plants through a reaction with sunlight, and is characteristic of the green colour in leafy vegetables especially and others. It’s basically the source of energy for the plant. By eating these plants, we in turn benefit from this raw energy.
According to “Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine,” liquid chlorophyll can increase the quality and quantity of your red blood cells because the compound has a chemical composition very similar to hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is a molecule found in your red blood cells responsible for transporting oxygen. While hemoglobin has iron as its center atom, liquid chlorophyll has magnesium as its center atom. Increasing the number and quality of your red blood cells can result in better oxygen transportation.
Liquid chlorophyll also is a powerful antioxidant. This antioxidant action, according to “”Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine” can lower your risk for developing certain types of cancer. Additionally, the antioxidant properties also can reduce inflammation in your body. This action can benefit from medical disorders characterized by increased inflammation such as arthritis and amygdalitis. Your immune system also benefits from antioxidants because it helps protect the body from toxins and wastes.
According to “Chlorophylls and Bacteriochlorophylls: Biochemistry, Biophysics, Functions and Applications,” liquid chlorophyll can effectively bind carcinogenic molecules such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from incomplete combustion of fuels, heterocyclic amines produced from grilling foods and aflatoxin produced from molds in foods. Chlorophyll forms a complex with the carcinogens that your body has a difficult time absorbing, so you body eliminates these complexes through feces, helping to prevent cancer.
Liquid chlorophyll also has the ability to bind and remove toxic heavy metals such as mercury from your body. Additionally, liquid chlorophyll aids your body in destroying and removing germs and help to prevent the growth of new germs. Further, liquid chlorophyll can function as a deodorizer and a promoter of good digestive function. Therefore, medical professionals sometimes recommend this supplement to treat bad breath. Moreover, liquid chlorophyll is a good and effective source of magnesium that can alkalize your body. (Source: Livingstrong.com)
Make sure you eat some greens every day, and adding some in your fresh juice is a great way to bump up (not replace) the amount in your daily diet.
ECP xo
Green juice with Swiss chard, Tuscan kale, green apple and carrots 2-4 servings
- 6-8 large organic carrots, washed, yucky parts removed
- 1/2 bunch organic Swiss chard, washed and dried (quickly. Not need to go crazy over the drying part. haha)
- 1/2 bunch organic Tuscan kale (this is a different kind of kale, darker green, no curly leaves), washed and dried
- 2 organic green apple(s), washed, cut in half (if it’s still too big to fit in your juicer, cut in 4)
- 1/2 bunch organic parsley, washed and dried
- 1/2 organic lemon, washed (and peeled if you prefer a lighter lemon taste)
- 3 stalks of organic celery, washed
Simply juice everything! It’s easier to juice greens if you bunch them together (like a cigar) and squeeze it between 2 chunks of apple 😉
Feel free to add a chunk of fresh ginger toot or turmeric root for extra nutrients and flavour.
I love fresh juice! It’s a great way to sneak raw greens into your diet, and so tasty. Great post! Love the tips here.
It certainly is! Thanks Lisa! 🙂
Fresh juices are great! And I love adding spinach to juices and smoothies. :3
That’s great to hear that you’re doing it! It’s healthy and super yummy 🙂
Wow, this sounds super healthy! And I might add, refreshing and tempting. I think I’ll give this a try. 🙂
If you’ve never had a green juice before, feel free to throw in an extra apple for sweetness 😉 It is incredibly refreshing.
Having been baking all evening, this has me feeling healthier already! You’ve inspired me to have a green juice for breakfast tomorrow! And adding turmeric sounds great! 🙂
Love this recipe! I drink a green smoothie very similar to this most days for lunch! I switch the fruits and veggies around to whatever I have on hand. 🙂
It’s super healthy! With ginger it’d be even more healthier and tastier 🙂
I agree, but I like to vary my juice recipes so it’s not always the same 🙂
I have never had something like this before. What does it taste like?
Like a healthy juice 😉 It’s hard to describe, it’s not very sweet but it tastes incredibly refreshing 🙂