I started making my own dish soap a few months ago. Why? Because I can! haha It’s really easy, I have all the ingredients already, and I know exactly what is in it. No toxic dangerous chemicals! Give it a try!
You will need some pure liquid castile soap (I don’t have any affiliation with them, but I highly recommend Dr. Bronner’s because it’s pure and they use organic and fair-trade coconut oil to make it).
It is a bit more liquid than what we are used to in commercial dish soap/detergent, but once you get used to it, it’s totally fine. The addition of calendula oil and olive oil makes it nice and moisturizing for your hands 🙂
*a word of caution: some people’s skin can react to pure essential oils and develop a mild rash. I’ve never had an issue, but if you know you do, simply use gloves while using it, or reduce the amount of it. The lavender and peppermint oils are simply to smell good, totally optional. However, the tea tree or thyme have disinfecting properties and are helpful in a dish soap, but you could reduce the amount of it. Still better than all the chemicals in most commercial cleaners 😉
Simple DIY Non-Toxic Dish Soap
- 1/3 cup organic liquid pure castile soap (I recommend Dr. Bronner’s)
- 2 cups water
- 1/4 cup organic lemon juice
- 2 Tbsp organic white vinegar
- 1 tsp baking soda
- 1/2 tsp organic calendula oil
- 1/2 tsp organic olive oil
- 10 drops of each essential oil: lavender, tea tree or thyme, peppermint
- Simply put everything in a regular dish soap container, and mix. That’s it!
- Give it a shake before every use.
Putting white vinegar and castile soap together cancels the other out, making them ineffective.
Thanks for pointing that out! I didn’t know. I looked it up and found some info on it. I haven’t made my own in a while, so I will revise my recipes right away. Thanks again for your comment! 🙂